Easter brunch at home – how to make poached eggs

Easter brunch at home – how to make poached eggs

We find ourselves at home this Easter, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have our favorite brunch recipe?  Eggs Benedicts?  But first you need to know how to poach the eggs.  Here is my tip and tricks.


Cooking srpay

1 cup of water

12 eggs

12 slices of bread, toasted

12 slices of ham (or Canadian Bacon is preferred0

1 package mix and ingredients for Hollandaise Sauce


Fresh lemon


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Make Hollandaise sauce according to package directions.

Spray a muffin tin with cooking spray and add 2 tbsp of water to each tin.  Crack an egg right into the water and fill each tin until all 12 eggs are prepared.

Transfer to the oven and bake 10 min.  Let sit for 3 minutes.

Layer each piece of toast with a slice of ham.

Take a spoon around the edge of each egg and scoop on top of the ham.  Tops with a drizzle of Hollandaise Sauce and garnish with pepper and lemon.