Grilled Pizza

Grilled Pizza

Our favorite pizza in South Florida comes from Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza.  In this recipe, I recreate the Paul & Young Ron Special.  Enjoy it with your own favorite toppings,  Just know that once you learn how to grill a pizza crust, you will never settle a traditional oven-baked pizza crust again. 

Prep  20 min  Cook 10 minutes  Makes 7+ servings


1 pkg of fresh pizza dough

1/2 cup of flour

4 Tbsp of oil

2 links of Italian Sausage

1/2 cup of sliced yellow onion

1/2 lb of long peppers

1- 28 oz can of whole tomatoes

1 Tbsp of tomato paste

1 tsp of fennel seed

1 tsp of oregano

1 Tbsp of salt

2 tsp of minced garlic

1 cup of shredded mozzarella

6 Tbsp of ricotta cheese

In a hot skillet, brown sausage.  Remove from pan and set aside.  In same skillet with the oil and brown bits from the sausage still in place, add onion and cook until tender.

Meanwhile, grease a hot grill and place peppers directly on top of the grate.  Cook 2 minutes on each side or until the peppers start to blister.  Remove from heat and set aside.

Prepare the pizza sauce by blending the canned tomatoes in a food processor.  (About 2 minutes.)  Remove tomatoes and pour into a large saucepan over medium heat.  Add tomato paste, spices and garlic.  Stir and cook for 5-10 minutes, or until thickened.

As the pizza sauce is cooking, flour the surface of a counter or cutting board and roll pizza dough until about 1/4 of an inch thick.  Rub olive oil on both sides.  Transfer to a hot grill and cook 2 minutes on each side or until the crust begins to char.

Place grilled pizza dough on a baking sheet.  Top with sauce, sausage, onions, peppers, and cheeses.  Finish in a 450 degree oven for 5 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bubbly.