Pork Tenderloin “Cutlets”

Pork Tenderloin “Cutlets”

(If you have cooked one too many pork chops that are tough and dry, try this recipe.  You’ll never want to cook another pork chop again.)

For a quick cook pork- choose a tenderloin.  Don’t be afraid to slice it into cutlets for a really tender substitute for pork chops.

Prep  10 min  Cook 6 minutes  Makes 7+ servings


2- 1 lb pork tenderloins

2 Tbsp of oil, divided

1/2 cup of flour

1 tsp of cayenne pepper

Salt and pepper

2 Tbsp of butter

Cut the tenderloin into thick filets, about three inches each.  Pound the filets flat into 1/2 inch cutlets by placing them in between plastic wrap that has been coated with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.  (The oil will keep the meat from sticking to the wrap and allow you to pound it more evenly.)

Over medium to high heat, melt butter in a large skillet.  Add remaining tablespoon of olive oil and make sure the pan is completely coated.  (Tip:  the addition of oil to the melted butter keeps the butter from burning.)

In a flat, large dish, mix the flour and seasoning.  Dredge each piece of pork tenderloin in the flour and then place it on the hot skillet to cook for 3 minutes per side.

Serve with a gravy or my red pepper pesto topping.